Children’s Counselling
Juliet is committed to providing services which are developmentally appropriate to children using art, puppetry and play amongst other media to help children process their stories in a safe context.
A young client volunteered this feedback:
“Thank you so, so, so much! Before my life was horrible, but now my life is amazing because you gave me loads of great tips. So thank you and now I can help my friends.”
A parent offered this summary of her experience:
“We met Juliet at a very turbulent time. My 9 year old was suffering post traumatic stress. She had severe anxiety and anger issues. Our family was falling apart. Juliet worked weekly with my daughter, helping her to understand her emotions, giving her tools and skills to control the negative feelings. As the weeks went by my little girl came back. Juliet gave me reassurance and advice on how to handle things. Whilst doing this she kept my daughters confidentiality and trust. My daughter is an inspirational, strong young lady in control of her emotions and anxieties. We still get bad days but she recognises this now and knows how to deal with them. She is even helping others around her. Without Juliet’s care compassion and support I dread to think where we would be now. She really did save us all and I honestly can’t thank her enough.”
Juliet trained in Play Therapy at a centre which specialised in treating children who had been abused. She received weekly individual and group supervision over a year with therapists trained by Byron Norton author of “Reaching Children Through Play Therapy” as well as receiving some direct training from him. She also provided group work with traumatised children and adolescents.